We will start another baseball contest in a few weeks. It will be an additional contest and the free contest will contiune. I am just trying to get an idea of hte kind of response we should expect. First of all, anyone currently in the sweet 16 contest has first priority and then kidslick and funksoulbrother are in as well. But we are shooting for either a $250 or a $500 entry fee to posted up at a book and kept in a fund until the end of the contest. We would do the contest either as 16 man contest or a 32 man contest. Just want to get a list of who would be interested in playing in a $500 contest. Be nice if Shrink would throw in $2000 for the winner, but we will see. Either way, we could pay 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places. Should be cool, we could iron out the rules later, but it would be a 1 week match between you and your competitor then the next round would start. Just tell us if you are interested.